Site icon Anshumani Ruddra

Speaking to Customers

Kapi Pe Charcha #003 – Venture Highway

“Would I need to speak to people/ users/ customers?”

In our last two posts, we have discussed ways of coming up with new ideas and then creating a shortlist out of them:


A skill that will help you throughout your entrepreneurial journey is user research. It’s a specialized field, with a bunch of qualitative and quantitative methods attached to it. It can feel intimidating – but it is the fastest way to validate your ideas with real users and customers. ne of the best methods of conducting user research is interviews. 

And yes – it involves speaking to people. 

An interview is an in-depth, one-on-one conversation/ discussion between a researcher (you) and a participant (existing user/ potential user) on a fixed topic(s). 

Each part of the definition above is critical. 

A few things to keep in mind:

You get better at conducting interviews over time. It requires deliberate practice. But as a user research method – it is unbeatable in its ability to validate ideas and come up with insights. 

Share your experience of conducting a user interview with us in the comments. 

Original LinkedIn post.

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